Fill out the information below to confirm your FREE RSVP.
When? Thursday March 23rd from 12pm ET – 3pm ET

NOTE: You earn the most “points” to win a Vacation prize by attending a 1:1 meetings. Other prize “points” are for chatting and viewing exhibitor documents/videos.

WHO ARE YOU? (* are required)

Upload/Edit Delete

Put a face to your profile so we can recognize you when we see you! Upload a headshot.

Use your Linkedin photo, or upload a photo that has you in it (you will be able zoom, crop and save).

HOW CAN WE REACH YOU? (list location where YOU personally work)



(By submitting your updated data, you authorize taCONNECT to update this supplier with your current data. As part of our service, we also update the data other suppliers have on you should you appear in their contact database. Additional information is found in ourClick & you're done! By clicking you agree to our privacy & terms)